
It’s all over but the cryin’

Kent Wilson
14 years ago
Lots of post mortems to come in the wake of another first round Flames exit. Let’s take a tour around the immediate reactions:
Eric Francis points multiple fingers. He also ponders the potential fate of the Flames pending free agents.
– Allen Cameron talks to Keenan about the Flames spate of injuries. The list of wounded by the end of the season was fairly extensive.
– Kipper puts to bed the persistant belief that fatigue is a factor in his decline.
– Over at Hit the Post, WI vents and tees up her forthcoming fisking of Sutter’s cap management. Also, blogmate Duncan applauds Dowbiggens not-so-complimentary piece today.
– I have an open “discussion” thread over at my other place for anyone who wants to rant, vent, propose changes, etc.
More to come as the off-season matures, surely.

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